Motive Capital Corp - FRGE
+6.60%FRGE Vol: 15.3M
+0.00%FRGE+ Vol: 0.0
+0.00%MOTV= Vol: 0.0
SPAC Stats
Market Cap: 0.0
Average Volume: 0.0
52W Range: $0.00 - $0.00
Weekly %: +0.00%
Monthly %: +0.00%
Inst Owners: 0
🕵Stocktwit Mentions
Seegeenah posted at 2023-06-21T13:53:17Z
cctranscripts posted at 2023-06-21T13:29:27Z
Forge Global Holdings, Inc.'s Chief Executive Officer just picked up 2,283,948 shares $FRGE
cctranscripts posted at 2023-06-21T13:29:10Z
Forge Global Holdings, Inc.'s Chief Executive Officer just picked up 2,339,030 shares $FRGE
tickeron posted at 2023-06-21T12:33:32Z
If you’re trading this week, Read This! $FRGE The volume increased for one day, resulting in a record-breaking daily growth of 335% of the 65-Day Volume Moving Average. View odds of downtrend.
dividendinvestorbyeagle posted at 2023-06-21T12:22:57Z
$FRGE close increased > 10% (Forge Global Holdings Inc)
Quantisnow posted at 2023-06-21T07:44:05Z
$FRGE 📜 SEC Form 4 filed by Rodriques Kelly (Amendment) 45 seconds delayed.
Quantisnow posted at 2023-06-21T07:22:04Z
$FRGE 📜 SEC Form 4 filed by Rodriques Kelly 45 seconds delayed.
MaryLamote1 posted at 2023-06-20T21:26:44Z
Dr_Stoxx posted at 2023-06-20T19:42:52Z
$FRGE: from my PENNY STOXX LETTER today. Boom! More info:
St0ck_H0liday posted at 2023-06-20T16:06:11Z
$FRGE It might be going up because of this article. The co-founder of Forge Global is starting a tech index fund for people to have better access to private companies.
JoelGoesDigital posted at 2023-06-20T14:51:20Z
$FRGE another $ 1 ▶️ downtrend channel
DeaStockMan posted at 2023-06-20T14:50:28Z
$DICE $EBET $FRGE Trapped some greedy shorts it seems Also look at - ISUN - this could be the start of a massive run
Vsunnny posted at 2023-06-20T14:48:43Z
$FRGE any idea why is this going up?
HazMin posted at 2023-06-20T14:38:35Z
$FRGE interesting
MaryLamote1 posted at 2023-06-20T13:48:02Z
BidaskBot posted at 2023-06-19T03:25:08Z
ForgeGlobal $FRGE BidaskScore is #Reiterated to StronglySold
cctranscripts posted at 2023-06-17T01:33:03Z
Forge Global Holdings, Inc. director just picked up 5,641 shares $FRGE
Quantisnow posted at 2023-06-17T01:20:51Z
$FRGE 📜 SEC Form 4 filed by Hansmeyer Christoph (Amendment) 45 seconds delayed.
barkemylou posted at 2023-06-16T20:50:27Z
$EDTX This one is TOAST like the rest of the pump and dump scams. The company that they are "merging" with is a POS. Most SPACS trade at $2. Look at $FRGE chart to see what's going to happen here. Sell while you can, market open for another few hours.
kjamw posted at 2023-06-16T15:56:56Z
$FRGE So is this an options thing? Or maybe because on CNBC they just covered whether the IPO market will heat up now and the guest mentioned that there is SpaceX (and Stripe) maybe coming -- but FRGE doesn't have that account (SpaceX). But I think Elon gives out shares as a reward to good employees.
CatsAreNotCute posted at 2023-06-15T10:15:24Z
$FRGE If market manipulation isn’t real then the sun isn’t real. This should’ve popped days ago there’s no excuse or explanation to why it hasn’t no heavy shorts the market rallied over 30% during the period
PiotrWo posted at 2023-06-14T19:00:22Z
$FRGE are we done here?
joepainterman posted at 2023-06-14T12:34:35Z
@Remainincognito I am holding 29015 shares. Sold $FRGE and then they skyrocketed but so did $IDEX. I'm happy I got in when I hit even on Forge Global. Still sitting on some $SWVL and down 53%. I sold half when they went up 2000 % and their rs was a 25:1 and I learned a lot. Finally in the green on everything but Swvl. $Idex has publicly said a rs is not a viable option at this time. That's why we have new investors.
PiotrWo posted at 2023-06-12T15:24:25Z
@VIPTrades009 $FRGE looks very good to me…on the weekly chart even too good…
VIPTrades009 posted at 2023-06-12T15:17:34Z
$FRGE T3 here…
Seegeenah posted at 2023-06-12T14:58:32Z
$FRGE pls squeeze for me lol
Jersey21 posted at 2023-06-11T23:42:17Z
$FRGE $IFBD $SENS $SNES $U 😂 you don’t know shit about Ifbd. But yea you love it. Love the pump brigade. Thanks for the easy money tomorrow ⬆️
PLATINUM_TRADES posted at 2023-06-10T16:53:32Z
$FRGE break of $2.00 next week with $2.20 next leg up🍉🍉🍉🍉
joepainterman posted at 2023-06-10T12:43:05Z
$FRGE I sold my shares way too soon to buy more $IDEX. Wish I dumped $SWVL instead
VIPTrades009 posted at 2023-06-09T21:34:15Z
$FRGE going good so far…